Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Update regarding the Woodland Valley development

Rothwell North Working Party

Update regarding the Woodland Valley development 

The Rothwell North Working Party is pleased to share the news that

Persimmon Homes will be arranging for a significant sum of money

to be donated to local charities in Rothwell and Desborough. In due

course, the two town councils will get together to decide on which

charities will benefit.

The Working Party’s insistence that a safe route for lorry access to

the building site be agreed and then monitored led to this fund

being set up. The money has come from fines being imposed by

Persimmon on contractors failing to observe the designated route

into the site.

This procedure was enforced through ANPR cameras and was the

first time that this technique has been used in this way. We are

grateful to Persimmon for being prepared to listen to the

community’s concerns and try new technology to achieve the

desired outcome.

At this stage we are not aware of how large the sum will be but we

do know that both councils are in the process of discussing how

local charities can apply for a share of the funds and the criteria the

councils will use for their distribution. For legal reasons, the

councils will not handle the money themselves but arrange for

Persimmon to pay the benefactors directly.

We look forward to seeing local charities benefitting from this


This tangible benefit is in addition to the opening of the Link Road

which will be on completion of 150 houses rather than the originally

planned 350 homes.

Any charity that is based in the towns of Desborough and Rothwell,

or can assure the councils that the money will directly benefit the

two towns should prepare a bid to be submitted to their appropriate

Town Clerk.

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